PCA Skin

I am proud to offer treatments and products by, PCA SKIN - Phycisian Care Alliance.
PCA Skin is a healthcare company whose clinically researched and scientifically formulated products have been designed to work in a treating such skin conditions as acne, aging skin, sensitive skin, and hyperpigmentation.
PCA peels are viewed as the gold standard in the industry.
PCA's philosophy starts with the basic premise that healthy skin is beautiful skin. Professional treatment protocols focus on penetrating the stratum corneum (the outer layer of the skin) to nourish the underlying epidermis and dermis, as opposed to simply stripping away the surface.
PCA SKIN's progressive approach in peels leads to dramatic results without unnecessary and unwanted trauma and downtime.
Mark Lees

The Mark Lees Skin Care System is a scientific system of skin care carefully developed using state-of-the-art ingredients and the latest techniques in skin science.
All products are non-comedogenic (non clogging), fragrance-free, irritancy tested, and color free.
There are thousands of skin care products on the market....each claims a different twist or cites there are "special" ingredients to benefit the skin. Unfortunately many of these claims have never been scientifically proven and may have little value in benefiting the skin. Many have been developed using marketing techniques, instead of science. With Mark Lees treatments and or products, you won't find the "miracle of the mouth". All of these products are developed using the latest advanced substancial research information and formulations.
Dr. Mark Lees is one of the world's most noted skin are experts, and Exfole' is proud to carry this line of treatments and products!